
Information on the processing of personal data

Valid from 3.10.2022

At Hanwha Advanced Materials Europe s.r.o., Company ID: 28198638, with its registered office at Příborská 280, Chlebovice, 739 42 Frýdek-Místek, CZ11912634, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava under Section C, File 32401 hereinafter referred to as “Hanwha”), we pay great attention to the protection of personal data. In this document you will find information about what personal data we process about you, whether we process the data on the basis of consent or on the basis of another legal reason, for what purposes we use it, to whom we can transfer it and what rights you have in connection with the processing of your personal data.


We at Hanwha determine for what purpose and by what means your personal data will be processed and we are responsible for such processing. This role of ours arises from our position as a personal data controller (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”).


B.1. Identification data

First of all, your name and surname, but also titles, dates of birth or residence: we need to know who is our employee or our client, or who acts for him.

B.2. Contact details

In particular, your telephone numbers and e-mails, so that we can contact you and communicate with you both in the performance of your work duties, if you are our employee, or in the conclusion and performance of a contract, if you are our client or if you represent him, and on other occasions.

B.3. Data on services and products provided

We also process your data in connection with the services and products you have ordered in order to have complete information about the proper provision.

B.4. Payment, payroll and accounting data

We process data about your means of payment, accounts and data from invoices and other tax and accounting documents in order to properly monitor and settle payments for services and products provided. Similarly, we process data on your wages and payments made if you are our employee.

B.5. Communication data and communication data resulting from

It is possible that when we communicate with each other in various forms, you will communicate various personal data to us. We will process these together with data on when and how this communication took place.

B.6. Employment-related data

If you are our employee, we will also process some of your data that relate to your experience and abilities for work. This will include, in particular, data and documents on educational attainment, previous experience and language skills, or data on marital status and data on family members.

B.7. Data on the use of our website

By using our website on the Internet, some data is automatically sent from your devices as visitors to our website. From the logs, where information about the activity of users of our website is also recorded for security reasons, we can subtract the actions you have taken on the website, as well as information about the data filled in the forms. For the optimal display of our website and services, we use information about the operating system (such as iOS or Android), its version and technical data about the devices from which you access our website (for example, the type of smartphone). This helps us to constantly improve our services and adapt them to the current technical possibilities.

B.8. Data from cookies and other tracking technologies

If so-called cookies are enabled in your browser, you use them to send us additional information, such as the pages you visit, the user preferences on your computer. Here we also include data from similar tracking technologies.

You can find more information about the use of cookies and your activity in our “Cookies policy – Hanwha Advanced Materials Europe, s.r.o. (hanwhacz.cz)“.

B.9. Images and portraits

If you are our employee, we will also process some of your portraits and image images (photographs).


We process the above personal data in the course of our activities for different purposes and to different extents as described below:

C.1. Offering and ordering our services and products

In order for you to order or arrange the delivery of the services and products we offer, we need your personal data. For this purpose, we may process identification data, contact details, payment and accounting data, communication and communication data and data on services and products provided.

The legal basis for this processing is the performance of the contract that we conclude in the process.

As a rule, we process your personal data for the duration of the contract conclusion process and subsequently for the duration of the contract, if it has been concluded.

C.2. Compliance with legal obligations imposed on us

As a company regulated by Czech law, we also have some of the obligations imposed on us by law. Typically, this is the obligation to record payments and properly keep accounting documents about them, to observe consumer protection if they occur, or just to properly identify our customers. However, it is also about the laws relating to the retention of data on our employees and the related agenda of tax and payment. For this purpose, we may process, in particular, identification data, contact data, payment, payroll and accounting data, communication data and data resulting from communication and data on the services and products provided.

The legal ground for this processing is the fulfillment of legal obligations. We usually receive data from you when you provide it to us as part of the process of concluding a contract or communicating with each other.

For these purposes, we process personal data for a period according to the given legal deadlines, usually not exceeding 10 years as the latest processing time according to accounting regulations.

C.3. Protection of our legal interests and keeping internal records

We also need personal data for the proper protection of our rights and claims and to be able to keep internal records of our customers and clients, including personal data necessary for debt recovery or effective defence in the event of a dispute (i.e. so that as a controller we can properly defend ourselves in court or in out-of-court, enforcement and similar proceedings where, without such processed data, the protection of our rights could be jeopardised or rendered impossible). For this purpose, we may process identification data, contact data, payment, payroll and accounting data, employment-related data, communication and communication data and data on the services and products provided.

The legal basis for the processing here is our legitimate interest in protecting our rights, legal claims and records of performance.

Personal data is generally stored for the duration of the statutory limitation period, including any suspension or interruption of this period, but usually not longer than 16 years after the provision of services, delivery of products or termination of a contract with us.

C.4. Creation, evaluation and adaptation of processes within the HR department

If you are our employee, we also use some of your data for creating, evaluating and adapting personnel and remuneration systems, for processing models of employee participation in the company, for managing other strategic procedures, creating company presentations, registering employees for educational events. For this purpose, we may process identification data, contact data, images and portraits, payment, payroll and accounting data, employment-related and communication data and communication data.

The legal basis for the processing here is our legitimate interest in improving the efficiency of our internal processes in the company and creating new ones. At the same time, in some cases, you can give your consent to the processing of personal data.

Personal data is generally stored for the duration of the employment relationship and for one year after its termination. In the case of consent, this period may be shortened until the consent is withdrawn.

C.5. Promotion of our brand and marketing communication

We also use personal data when we provide offers of our services and products or when we promote our brand and our company, including sending newsletters and newsletters. However, we do not want to bother you with unnecessary and inappropriate communication, so we use the collected personal data to better understand your needs and be able to offer a suitable solution. We can use a wide range of channels to communicate with you, especially regular mail and e-mail, but also SMS messages, notifications and pop-ups on our website. For this purpose, we may process in particular identification and contact data, data on the use of our website and data from cookies and other tracking technologies.

The legal basis for the processing here is our legitimate interest in promoting our brand, our company, our services and products and our website. At the same time, in some cases, you can give your consent to the processing of personal data.

If we process your personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest, we do so until you object to this processing or take any other action on the basis of which we conclude that you do not wish further processing for this purpose. You have the right to object to these processings.

If we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, we do so until you withdraw your consent.

C.6. Operation of the Website

We process the personal data of visitors to our website when they visit or move around it. We use cookies and other technologies that may lead to the processing of personal data for the purposes set out below. Details of what cookies are, what cookies and other technologies we use and how long we process them can be found in our “Cookies policy – Hanwha Advanced Materials Europe, s.r.o. (hanwhacz.cz)”.

Web Operation and Security (Necessary)

The processing of personal data is necessary for the proper operation of our website, including presentation, functionality and ensuring security of access. As part of this purpose, we may identify our visitors when browsing and logging into the website, if they allow it. For this reason, we process data on the use of our website and data from cookies and other tracking technologies, to the extent that is necessary for the operation of the website (necessary cookies).

The legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest in ensuring the functionality and security of the website.

As a rule, we store personal data for up to 2 years from the visit to our website.

Site customization (preferences)

The processing of personal data is necessary to preserve your preferences and to adapt our website to these preferences, as well as to make our website more enjoyable. For this purpose, we adapt the website to your location, your chosen language or your device. For this reason, we process data on the use of our website and data from cookies and other tracking technologies, to the extent necessary to customize the website (preference cookies).

The legal basis for processing data about the use of our website is our legitimate interest in adapting the website to the preferences of visitors. As a rule, we keep your personal data for up to 2 years from your visit to our website.

Website traffic analysis (statistics)

The processing of personal data is necessary to understand how visitors use our website. As part of this purpose, we monitor traffic to our website, optimize our website, ensure the security of the website and your data, and increase the fluidity and user-friendliness of the website. The legal basis for processing data on the use of our website is our legitimate interest in collecting information about the use of our website and its further development. As a rule, we keep your personal data for up to 2 years from your visit to our website.

Promotion and marketing using our website (marketing)

The processing of your personal data is also necessary for the collection of information about your personal preferences with regard to the use of advertising and the subsequent presentation of recommended products according to these preferences. Therefore, as part of this purpose, we promote and sell services and products on the website and show you marketing communications regarding the services and products you have shown interest in and promote our brand through online promotion. The legal basis for processing data about the use of our website is our legitimate interest in promoting the sale of our products and services. we keep your personal data for up to 2 years from your visit to our website.  

With your consent, we also process data from cookies and other tracking technologies that are necessary for promotion and marketing using our website (marketing cookies), while your data may also be provided to third parties. The legal basis for processing this data is therefore your consent granted via the Cookies Bar. We keep your data for the duration of your consent, but in no case for more than 2 years from the receipt of your consent.


The personal data we process comes primarily from you, namely from the process of concluding the contract, from the performance of the contract and from our mutual communication. However, you can also provide them to us in other ways, especially through our website. We may also obtain personal data directly from you by monitoring your behaviour on the website.

We may then obtain other personal data from our partners who are the controllers of your personal data and who transfer them to us according to their own instructions and their own purposes: we are therefore personal data processors in relation to them. However, there may also be partners with whom we will be in joint stewardship.

You can find out more about personal data processors and controllers in the section “WHO PROCESSES YOUR PERSONAL DATA AND TO WHOM DO WE TRANSFER IT?“.


All mentioned personal data are processed by us as the controller. In exceptional cases, we may also do so as a processor.

If we are the controller, this means that we determine for what purpose and by what means your personal data will be processed, i.e. in particular collected, recorded, sorted and possibly made available, and we are also responsible for the proper implementation of such processing of your personal data. If we are a processor, these purposes and means are determined by another person who holds your personal data as a controller. This may be in particular your business partners, to whom you instruct us to provide your personal data.

We may also transfer your personal data to other entities that are in the role of an administrator, for example in connection with the performance of a contract with you to our partners who are involved in this performance.

For the processing of personal data, we also use the services of other processors who process personal data only according to our instructions and for the purposes described above..

  • Google Ireland Limited
  • Web & Media a.s.


As part of the transfer of data to other controllers or our processors mentioned above, we may also transfer your data to third countries outside the European Union that do not ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data. We will only make any such transfer if the relevant processor undertakes to comply with the Standard Contractual Clauses issued by the European Commission and available at https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/international-dimension-data-protection/standard-contractual-clauses-scc/standard-contractual-clauses-international-transfers_en.


Just as we have our rights and obligations when processing your personal data, you also have certain rights when processing your personal data. These rights include::

G.1. Withdrawal of consent

If we obtain them at all, all consents are completely voluntary and you are not obliged to provide them.

However, failure to grant or withdraw consent for any of the above purposes above will not affect the possibility of sending our business/marketing communications in accordance with our legitimate interest (see the above purpose “Promotion of our brand and marketing communication”“).

In all cases of processing based on consent, you can withdraw it by sending an e-mail to the address of the kazarova@hanwhacz.cz or by any other action from which it will be clear to us that you wish to withdraw your consent. It is necessary to send it under the e-mail that we have registered with you so that we can verify that it is really you.

In the event of withdrawal of consent, we will assume that you no longer wish us to continue to process your personal data for marketing purposes, even on the basis of any previously granted marketing consents or any specific marketing consents. We will therefore also consider these possible other marketing consents to be revoked.

Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing prior to such withdrawal.

G.2. Right of access

Simply put, you have the right to know what data we process about you, for what purpose, for how long, where we obtain your personal data, to whom we transfer it, who processes it outside of us and what other rights you have related to the processing of your personal data. You can find out all this in this document, but if you are not sure which personal data we process about you, you can ask us to confirm whether or not the personal data concerning you are processed by us, and if this is the case, you have the right to access this personal data. As part of the right of access, you can ask us for a copy of the processed personal data, the first copy of which we will provide to you free of charge and other copies already with a fee.

G.3. Right to rectification

If you find out that the personal data we process about you are inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have them corrected or supplemented without undue delay.

G.4. Right to erasure

In some cases, you have the right to have your personal data erased. We will delete your personal data without undue delay if any of the following reasons are met:

a) We no longer need your personal data for the purposes for which we processed it;

b) you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, which is data for the processing of which your consent is necessary and at the same time we have no other reason why we need to continue processing these data;

c) you exercise your right to object to processing (see below section “Right to object to processing”) for personal data that we process on the basis of our legitimate interests and we find that we no longer have any such legitimate interests that would justify such processing, or

d) you believe that the processing of personal data carried out by us has ceased to be in accordance with generally binding regulations.

This right does not apply if the processing of your personal data is still necessary to fulfil the purpose “Protection of our legal interests and keeping internal records”“.

G.5. Right to restriction of processing

In some cases, in addition to the right to erasure, you may exercise the right to restrict the processing of personal data. This right allows you to request, in certain cases, that your personal data be marked and that this data is not subject to any other processing operations – in this case, however, not forever (as in the case of the right to erasure), but for a limited period of time. We must restrict the processing of personal data when:

a) you deny the accuracy of the personal data before we agree on what data is correct;

b) We process your personal data without a sufficient legal basis (e.g. beyond what we have to process), but you will only prefer to limit such data before deleting it (e.g. if you expect to provide us with such data in the future anyway);

c) We no longer need your personal data for the above processing purposes, but you require it for the establishment, exercise or defence of your legal claims, or

d) you object to the processing as described in more detail below in the section “Right to object to processing”. For the period during which we investigate, if your objection is justified, we are obliged to restrict the processing of your personal data.

G.6. Right to portability

You have the right to obtain from us all your personal data that you yourself have provided to us and that we process on the basis of your consent and on the basis of the performance of the contract. We will provide you with your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. In order to be able to easily transfer data at your request, it may only be data that we process automatically in our electronic databases.

G.7. Right to object to processing

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data that takes place on the basis of our legitimate interest (see “WHAT ENTITLES US TO PROCESS PERSONAL DATA?”). In the case of marketing activities, we will stop processing your personal data without further ado; in other cases, we will do so unless we have compelling legitimate grounds for continuing such processing.

You can object to processing for the following purposes:

a) Protection of our legal interests and keeping internal records;

b) Promotion of our brand and marketing communications; and

c) Operation of the website.

G.8. Right to lodge a complaint

Exercising your rights in the above manner does not affect your right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. You can exercise this right in particular if you believe that we process your personal data unlawfully or in violation of generally binding legal regulations.

You can file a complaint against our processing of personal data with the Office for Personal Data Protection, which is located at Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7.


In all matters related to the processing of your personal data, whether it is a question, exercise of a right, filing a complaint or anything else, you can contact our responsible person, available at kazarova@hanwhacz.cz. We will process your request without undue delay, but within a maximum of one month. In exceptional cases, in particular due to the complexity of your request, we are entitled to extend this period by a further two months. We will of course inform you about such a possible extension and its justification.

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