Our products

Our products

Our products

We specialises in thermoplastics-using technology GMT (glass mat thermoplastic fiber) , LWRT (low weight reinforced thermoplastic and producing EPP (expanded polypropylene ) – raw mareial also.

GMT (glass mat fiber thermoplastic)

Serial production of StrongLite began in 1995 and has become highly valued for its advanced technological properties and quality. Since 2009, StrongLite holds a 70% global market share in GMT. It is composed of lightweight composites in sheet form and is produced using a polypropylene matrix reinforced with glass fiber mat. It binds exceptionally well and is comparably strong to steel at 20-25% less weight. Our GMT material is suitable for complex structural elements while offering considerable impact resistance. Suitable for further operations such as drilling or stamping, its strength and lightness make it an ideal structural element replacing steel and reducing overall weight. Common final products include lower covers protecting the chassis of passenger cars, bumpers, or seat frames.


Superior shock absorption


Weight reduction

Skvělý poměr

Strength similar to steel,
excellent spring-back force

Mrazuvzdornost a odolnost proti nárazu

Superior cold resistance and
impact resistance

Odolnost a ochrana proti korozi

Excellent level of
design flexibility

Vynikající vazebná síla

Excellent binding power



LWRT (low weight reinforced thermoplast)

SuperLite is a composite board material shaped under low pressure and is also a market leader in its segment due to top-quality. It has excellent strength relative to its weight and shapes easily, enabling its wide use in various applications. For its sound-absorbing properties, it is used in automotive for headliners, interior elements in the luggage area, and is a common component of passenger car chassis, providing protection from external influences and contributing to fuel utility through its weight and aerodynamics.


Weight reduction

Skvělý poměr


strength-to-weight ratio


Excellent shock and

noise absorption

Vynikající protihlukové vlastnosti

Simple production process

Jednoduché zpracování

Excellent corrosion


Odolnost a ochrana proti korozi

Excellent level of 

design flexibility

Jednoduchá montáž

Eco-friendly materials

Šetrný k přírodě

Excellent assemblability

Gallery of products

We specialises in thermoplastics-using technology GMT (glass mat thermoplastic fiber) , LWRT (low weight reinforced thermoplastic and producing EPP (expanded polypropylene ) – raw mareial also.

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Hanwha Advanced Materials Europe s.r.o.
Příborská 280, Frýdek-Místek Chlebovice,
PSČ 739 42
IČO: 281 98 638
DIČ: CZ 281 98 638


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